Hey there! Welcome to our Media Appearances page! Here, you'll discover a handpicked collection of our founder Wendy Welsher's engaging moments across various media platforms. From thought-provoking podcast chats to insightful guest speaker gigs, each appearance reflects our dedication to fostering a more inclusive, empowering, and joyful way of approaching movement. Check out Wendy's insights on fat positivity, inclusive movement, and transformative practices. This page is all about celebrating our journey of sharing the message of Joyous Adaptive Momentous Movement with a broader audience, one media appearance at a time. Ready to dive in and join the conversation?
Trust with Special Guest Wendy Welsher Trust is the knowing that our bodies are living intelligences, giving us immediate feedback about what does and doesn’t work for us. When we stop viewing our bodies as something we need to control and manipulate, we can begin seeing them as very wise teachers. When we start to trust our bodies, we can listen and understand what they need.